Splice : To remove elements from an array irrespective of the position. The shift method is the same as that of pop with the only difference being the position of removal. Shift: To remove elements from the beginning of the array. To remove elements from JavaScript array, follow any of the said methods: What are the different ways to remove array elements in JavaScript? Let name = "JavaScript Interview Questions" Īlert( `Learn $ Where single and double quotes are practically the same, backticks help to add variables or expressions within a string. String: A sequence of characters surrounded by quotes (single or double or backticks). In addition to this, JavaScript also houses special numbers such as NaN, Infinity, etc. Number: Number data type supports both integers and floating-point values.
What are the different data types available in JavaScript ? If we test the type of both the variables,Ģ. That is to say, we explicitly assign null to a variable whereas undefined is a plain and simple declaration of a variable.Įxample for null and undefined in JavaScript: var x // x is a variable On the other hand, undefined is a variable that has no assigned value. JavaScript Interview Questions: Beginners Levelġ.What is the difference between null and undefined?Ī null is an object and ideally means nothing. Keeping this as one of the reasons, we designed this article outlining the top JavaScript Interview Questions for you to consider when preparing for the interview. With time, the popularity of the language will only increase and so will the demand for JavaScript developers. Companies such as Facebook and Google use JavaScript to develop complex web applications with ease.